Fun with the Winter Elements

Winter is here and it’s getting colder and darker – but it’s still a great time for getting
children of all ages outdoors. We just need to EMBRACE the weather!

Have a playful and positive attitude towards the winter season; show your children that
winter can be fun. Try to model ways to be playful.

Stamp your feet on ice patches or in puddles, have a snowball fight, play in the rain, make snow angels or snowmen! Take a breath of that cold winter air and remember that whatever you do outdoors you are supporting your children’s health, wellbeing and happiness.

View the flyer below for more play ideas.

Play Matters – Playing Outdoors

Playing Outdoors is critically important for children of any age and we encourage you to read the second Play Matters briefing paper which focuses on just that!
Children growing up today are experiencing decreasing opportunities to play independently outdoors and this paper explores the reasons why, considers the benefits of playing outdoors for children and offers some simple thoughts and suggestions to helping encourage outdoor play.


You can view the Playing Outdoors briefing on the Department of Education’s website at