Agreeing three year priorities for the South Eastern Area Outcomes Group


The South Eastern Outcomes Group recently hosted a second action planning workshop in Trinity Methodist Church, Lisburn with community, voluntary and statutory sector member organisations who represent the children and young people’s sector on the South Eastern Outcomes Group. 


The purpose of this workshop was to agree the multi agency purpose of this group in line with the new Children and Young People’s Strategy for Northern Ireland, Programme for Government and issues affecting children and young people living in the South Eastern Outcomes Area.


The South Eastern Area Outcomes Group Children and Young People’s Action Plan for 2017-2020 is a three year plan that will encompass three priorities that the group will address collectively to improve outcomes for children, young people and families in the South Eastern Area.

The three priorities are:

  1. Our children will reach their developmental potential
  2. Our children will be resilient and have positive mental health
  3. Our children will get the best possible early intervention support from their families


The Draft South Eastern Area Outcomes Group Children and Young People’s Plan for 2017-2020 can be downloaded here


A summary report from the workshop can be downloaded here


The final South Eastern Area Outcomes Group Children and Young People’s Action Plan will be made available shortly.


To find out more about the South Eastern Outcomes Group click here