CYPSP members share models of practice in Prague


The Regional Family Support Hub Coordinator with local hub coordinators from across Northern Ireland and Education Authority recently travelled to Prague at the request of the Department of Labour and Social Affairs in the Czech Republic to represent CYPSP at their European Conference. The Czech conference was an opportunity to share models of practice including partnership working, Family Support Hubs, the CYPSP Interactive Mappying System and the Education Welfare Service. 


In November 2017 Helen Dunn, Regional Co-ordinator for the Family Support Hubs along with Local Hub Co-ordinators; Karen McLean (Upper North Belfast) ,Edith McManus (Lower North Belfast ) and Lisa Grant (Craigavon /Banbridge ) along with Anne -Marie Bagnall representing the Education Authority travelled to Prague at the request of the Department of Labour and Social Affairs in the Czech Republic.


A number of Czech delegates spent time in Northern Ireland in August 2017 exploring models of best practice and from this requested CYPSP to join the Department of Labour and Social Affairs and over 260 delegates to share information on the CYPSP partnership working , the role of Family Support Hubs, the CYPSP Interactive Mapping System and Education Welfare Service in Northern Ireland. 

The outcome of the conference was that the Department hope to replicate some of the work presented across their own principalities and also hope that the information shared would encourage greater collaboration across the statutory , voluntary and community sectors in the Czech Republic.


Contact Us:

For more information please contact Helen Dunn, Regional Family Support Hub Coordinator by email at